Thailand film dubbing - Audio description Style Guide

We follow what we consider to be the world leader in cutting-edge film production techniques. Netflix. This is because Netflix techniques were designed from the ground up as a digital-technology without any of the legacy that traditional film technology and production houses grew up with. A completely fresh & fully digital approach with a full understanding of current technology provides what we consider the pinnacle of global dubbing processes.

Audio Description Style Guide V1.0


This document contains a list of required practices when originating audio description for Netflix content. Consult your Netflix representative for any specification not covered in this document.


Concisely and objectively convey plot-critical and/or character-integral information that would otherwise be missed by a sight-impaired viewer.

1.0 Fundamentals

1.1 The Basics

Describe the most relevant and important actions in the scene. Avoid over describing, do not include visual images that are not vital to the understanding of the scene. Allow room for dialogue, sound effects, music, and intentional silence.

1.2 Description of the Facts





1.3 Censorship

Avoid Censorship: Do not censor any information. Description should be objective and straightforward when addressing nudity, sexual acts, and violence.

1.4 Description Consistency

The word choice, character’s qualities, and visual elements should remain consistent within the description for the entirety of the content. A glossary should be created and shared.

2.0 Describing On-screen Elements

2.1 On-screen Text

The introduction of text should be described by stating “words appear” and the tone of voice may be adapted in order to create a distinction between reading text and the actual description.

2.2 Subtitles for Foreign Language

The description should introduce subtitles by adjusting the tone of voice for distinction and read the subtitles verbatim. The original dialogue audio should be dipped in order to avoid confusion, but still allow the viewer to hear the original dialogue in the background. State “subtitles” when necessary to avoid confusion.

2.3 Logos

Description should be provided for any on-screen logos to include any studio or company names and the detail of the image. Be consistent with logo descriptions.

Netflix Logo

The Netflix logo should be consistently described as:

Letters pop out from a white background, then turn red. Netflix.

2.4 Songs

Treat lyrics like dialogue, and only describe over them when necessary. In the case of having to describe over lyrics, allow for the song to establish itself.

2.5 Titles and Credits

The description should include any opening credits with an adjusted tone when not too distracting, but if these interfere with simultaneous dialogue and action, timing adjustments may be made to introduce the text before or after actual credit appearance. Credits will be included as time permits. Introduce the title of the content by stating “title” and the name.

3.0 Voicing

3.1 Technical Requirements


A rate of 160 wpm (words per minute) is an acceptable pace. The description

should flow casually and allow silence and pauses as necessary.


The description should be mixed to sound as though it was part of the original content. For 5.1, description should be mixed to the center channel. For further information about the mix, please consult our technical specs.

3.2 Accent

The accent of the voice actor should reflect the predominant English-language accent in the program.

3.3 Vocal Approach

3.4 Describer Consistency

The same voice talent should be used across all episodes and seasons of a series, as well as movie sequels when possible.

3.5 Describer Credit

Do not include any post-house, script writer, or voice talent credits within the AD track.

4.0 Genres

4.1 Children’s Content

Tone and vocabulary should match the age range of the target audience. For educational materials, or situations in which the viewer is asked to follow specific actions of a character on-screen, description should be clarified in order that the sight-impaired audience identifies that the audience is being addressed, rather than an on-screen character.

4.2 Horror/Suspense Content

Description should account for intentional pauses, dramatic silences and the musical score in order to allow the sight-impaired audience to experience the same build-up of suspense intended by the production.

5.0 Plot Device

5.1 Foreshadowing

Description may adjust timings in order to introduce plot elements early, but only when there is no other way to sensibly inform the audience to the content.

5.2 Camera Angles & Shot Changes

When shot changes are critical to the understanding of the scene, indicate them by describing where the action is or where characters are present in the new shot. Camera angles or point-of-view should only be included in the description when

plot-appropriate (“from above” & “bird’s eye view”). Do not use jargon and technical terms such as “long shot,” and “dolly.”)

5.3 Montages

As time allows, describe montages of images or series’ of still images. When the images are relevant but time is restricted, highlight only the most significant images.

5.4 Passage of Time

Always address time shifts in relation to the character(s). When describing certain passages of time, such as flashbacks or dream sequences, describe the visual cues that indicate such, and be consistent throughout the program.