Thailand UAV Drone Regulations & Laws

Thailand UAV Drone Regulations & Laws

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How to register your drone.

UPDATE June 2017

All drones with camera must be registered. All Drone Pilots must have Drone Public Liability Insurance.

Links: (Drone regulations) (latest CAAT anouncements) (Drone registration application form - Thai language only)

Good article with overview:(April 2017):

From recreational to commercial use, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones as they are commonly known, are growing rapidly in popularity the world over. They also are becoming increasingly advanced with the use of more complex technology.

UAVs are already used by the media and those involved in film and television production. The video capture capabilities of UAVs are also being utilized for a variety of other commercial and industrial purposes, including aerial surveys for real estate, insurance, agricultural and infrastructure related companies. The potential use of such equipment in autonomous logistics, including general parcel or package delivery, has also been widely reported.

In order to keep pace with their popularity and ever more advanced technology, a number of countries have recently enacted laws and regulations related to the responsible use of UAVs. On 27 August 2015, new regulation related to the use of drones in Thailand was published in the Government Gazette with it taking effect the following day.

New Regulations

The Minister of Transportation enacted a new Notification of the Ministry of Transportation Re Rules to Apply for License and Conditions to Control and Launch the Unmanned Airborne Vehicles, Type Outside Controlled Airborne Vehicles  B.E. 2558 (A.D. 2015) ("Notification"), which was announced in the Government Gazette on 27 August 2015 and became effective on 28 August 2015. The Notification provides that an individual launching a UAV without first obtaining the appropriate license is subject to imprisonment for a term up to one year and/or a fine up to THB 40,000 (approx. USD 1,100) pursuant to the Air Navigation Act B.E. 2497 (A.D. 1954).

General Narrative 

There are two types of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles:

CATEGORY 1: Used for hobby or other recreational use such as entertainment or sport.

CATEGORY 2: Used for TV news, movie making etc

If you have a drone in Category 1 that weighs less than two kilos and you are 18 years or older, than you don’t need permission to fly from the Ministry of Transport. But, you do need to obey the following rules:

1. Before flight

(a) Check that the drone and remote control is in a good condition to fly

(b) You have permission from the owner of the land where you wish to fly

(c) You have checked the environment and airspace of the location you are flying

(d) You have an emergency plan in case of an accident

2. During the flight

(a) It is forbidden to fly in a way that may cause harm to the life, property and peace of others.

(b) It is forbidden to fly in restricted zones as announced in “Aeronautical Information Publication – Thailand” and also at government buildings and hospitals unless permission is given.

(c) The take-off and landing must not be obstructed by anything

(d) You must keep the drone in line-of-sight at all times and not rely on the monitor or other devices

(e) You can only fly between sunrise and sunset when the drone can clearly be seen

(f) It is forbidden to fly in or near clouds

(g) It is forbidden to fly within nine kilometres of an airport or in the flight path unless you have permission from aircraft control.

(h) It is forbidden to fly higher than ninety metres above the ground.

(i) It is forbidden to fly over cities, villages, communities or areas where people are gathered.

(j) Do not fly near other aircraft that have pilots

(k) Do not violate the privacy rights of others

(l) Do not cause a nuisance to others

(m) Do not mount anything dangerous or lasers on the drone

(n) It is forbidden to fly closer than 30 meters to people, vehicles or buildings

If your drone is in Category 1 but weighs more than two kilos but less than 25 kilos, you must be at least twenty years of age, not a threat to national security and never been imprisoned. You must also have a license to fly from the Director General of the Department of Civil Aviation. You have to follow the rules as outlined above but in addition you must have more knowledge about drone maintenance and safety and aircraft rules. You must have emergency equipment on hand such as fire extinguisher. You also must have third party insurance of not less than one million Baht. Finally, in the list above, clause (n) the distance between drone and people, buildings, cars etc cannot be less than 50 metres. If you have an accident, you must inform authorities immediately.

Drones in Category 2 have to be licensed and insured and obey the rules the same as drones in Category 1 that are heavier than two kilos.

Courtesy of Richard Barrow


Class 1A - recreational under 2kg

See original document in Thai language here

Up to AUW

Up to 2kg 


Class 1B - recreational 2kg to 25kg 

See original document in Thai language here

The controller or launcher must comply with the provided terms in the Notification, namely, among others, that:


Class 2 - Commercial

See original document in Thai language here


For purposes other than (1) where its weight does not exceed 25 kg

a) For reporting incidents or traffic-related matters (i.e. mass media),

b) For photographing or filming,

c) For research and development of airborne vehicles,

d) For other purposes:

The controller or launcher: 

Although the Notification became effective on 28 August 2015, the readiness of authorities to deal with procedures in regard to the issuance of licenses is unclear. To date, there are no clear instructions for prospective applicants to follow, nor are there any internal policies or guidelines governing the procedures in which to examine license applicants.

It is expected that internal guidelines which detail these procedures, as well as setting out clear time frames and definitions of the terms used in the Notification, will be issued in the near future.


Where to Get More Information

Panuwat Promdan, Mr.

International Cooperation Bureau

Office of the Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Transport



Telephone: 022870320 ext 2422

Page updated June 2024 (Alt tags added)