Sound Stage 3 | AS-s3
Sound Stage 3 | AS-s3
36.00 X 24.00 X 9.77 M
Facility Details
Soundstage size 36 x 24 meters. Area 864 sq m. Height 9.77 meters.
Catwalk Height 7.92 meters.
Level 3 filming area size 12 x 8.17 meters. Area 98.04 sq m. Height 3.35 meters.
Other amenities: dressing rooms, lobby, pantry, canteen, meeting room and green room
Service areas: Kitchen, toilets, system room, storage.
Above: Inside sound stage 3
Typical Chinese drawing room
The outside facade of this Sound Stage presents a typical
Asian Shop house street.
A selection of dining areas
Below: Makeup room