Sign Language for Live Events & Video
Sign Language
Sign language has an international English standard; however every spoken language has its own “country-localized sign-language”. Bangkok Video Productions is a member of “World Association of Sign Language Interpreters”. ( based in Geneva, Switzerland. Which is a member of the “World Federation of the Deaf”.
In ASEAN we are the first Film Company to set up a Film-localization post-production section that incorporates sign-language, localized for country specific languages.
For International Conferences the most universal sign language used in ASEAN / ACT is ASL (American Sign Language).
ASEAN countries each do have their own Sign-language specific to their own country but most often, both the local sign language and an International sigh language are taught (being ASL).
ASL is derived from FSl (French Sign Language) therefore former Indochina countries previously used FSL and then adapted FSL into their own language and now replaces FSL with ASL
British Commonwealth
BSL (British Sign Language is the second largest international sign language and is prevalent throughout the British Commonwealth.
European Union
The European Union uses a variety of sign languages including FSL and SL (Spain), and many others. Nevertheless, there is an international system called the International Sign, a sort of lingua franca used at international conferences and meetings, where participants do not share a common SL. It does not have a fixed grammar or vocabulary and relies heavily on gestures and context.
Our Services
For Live Events
We would have a large 27 inch teleprompter in front of the signer at about hip level that will show the text of the speaker at the speed of the speaker presenting the subject.
For In Studio Video
We Would Position the teleprompter at eye level in front of the camera and the presenter would sign directly into the camera. The screen behind them would be a Film Gree-Screen which can be removed during post production, leaving just the clean image of the signer to be seen in the corner of the video.
Our fee-payment,
Our quality control and our charges are in-line with guidelines set by the WASLI. We select whenever we can our sign language interpreters through WASLI and their associated affiliates such as the certified “Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. In Thailand we work closely with the National Association of the Deaf.
Contact us:
A teleprompter is used in front of a camera for a studio-video presentation.
We also have a very large 27" teleprompter that can be seen at a distance allowing for the camera to capture a head to toe shot of the Signer
For Stage presentations we use a floor mounted teleprompter.
Page Updated 21.9.22